Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tongkat Madura Translucent Testament Worldwide

Sumenep - Marketing wand made ​​Hj Tusmiyati Umm Kulsum, a resident of Village Bangselok Sumenep, Madura able to penetrateforeign markets.

Over It has received orders from Singapore, the Middle East,Malaysia and the majority of Hong Kong. Marketing throughacquaintances who often visited foreign countries.

Traditional herbal medicine maker Madura, Hj Tusmiyati KulsumUmmi said orders from abroad began booming. However due to limited production, it only sends a limited number.

"If the orders, either from abroad or from local residents quite a lot.But, I often refuse when ordered in large numbers," said Tusmiyatiat his home, Kemala Road, Village Bangselok, Sumenep, Sunday(24/04/2011).

He pleaded not able to produce in large quantities. In addition tofunding limitations, the drying process is also a major constraint. "Ifonly the referee can make a stick so the thousands, but notinterfere with other orders of herbal medicine," he said.

To order the local residents, he said, no problem. buyers can comedirectly to his house. Because, until now there is no agent. "Thosewho come to the house an average buy in bulk and resold with adifferent benchmark prices," he said.

He claimed to have big plans to expand its business. However, it is also constrained by permission from related agencies. "I do not yethave permission from the related agencies. Had tried to care butstill need the power of pharmacists," he concluded.

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