Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chromium Browser Causing Significant Increase in Laptop Power Usage

I recently noticed a strange bug while using Chromium web browser in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal powered laptops and netbooks(Intel platform). There is an immediate spike in power usage whenever Chromium is running.

Chromium Causing Increase in Laptop Power Usage

Chromium Browser Causing Increase in Laptop Power Usage
The way I found this out was even stranger. In our earlier Joli OS 1.2 review, I had mentioned about several performance related issues I faced with Ping-Eee OS, a netbook optimized version of Pinguy OS. One of the remedies recommended by the developers of Ping-Eee OS was to install and run Powertop, a tool to pin point applications that are consuming most power(only Intel platform is supported).

Increased Laptop Power Usage in Ubuntu 11.04

See above screenshot. Chromium browser is running and Powertop statistics show that power usage is around 7.9W. This was well above 8.0W on many instances.

Chromium Causing Increase in Laptop Power Usage Ubuntu 11.04

Ending Chromium browser brings everything back to normal. Above screenshot is taken while Firefox 5.0 was running with same amount of tabs open. Power usage dropped to 5.6W and Wakeups-from-idle/second dropped to 380.0 from 1096.7.

A bug report has already been filed regarding same and it's title says it all. "Chromium Generates HUGE numbers of CPU wakeups and uses massive amounts of power". This bug affects Chromium 12.0. As you can see in that thread(towards the end), some users are reporting huge improvements with latest Chromium 14.0, but I haven't tried it yet. I will update this post once I finds any improvement in later releases of Chromium browser.

Top 6 Ubuntu 11.04 Themes

We have already featured a series of articles dealing with various aspects of the brand new Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal starting with the thorough review of Ubuntu 11.04. Now its time for some extensive customization of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal's look and feel through a bunch of cool looking themes. Following is a collection of some of my favorite GTK themes for Ubuntu 11.04/GNOME 2.0 based desktops. Take a look.

Top 6 Ubuntu 11.04 Themes Natty Narwhal
image via ubuntu natty wallpapers
Install Nautilus-Elementary Before Installing Themes
This is not a surprise anymore. Most of the themes for Ubuntu we are going to feature below will require you to install Nautilus-Elementary for optimum results. So, here is how you install Nautilus Elementary in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal.
  • Copy-paste the following commands into Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
nautilus -q
  • Done. A more detailed take on Nautilus-Elementary can be found here and here.
  • One other thing you might want to consider installing before getting started with GTK themes are these pretty icon themes for Ubuntu GNOME.
Nautilus Elementary Ambiance Theme

Nautilus Elementary Ambiance Theme Ubuntu 11.04
  • Nautilus Elementary Ambiance theme is the perfect little modification of default Ubuntu 11.04's Ambiance GTK theme. Totally loved it. Here is what you need to do.
  • Extract the downloaded ZIP file and copy "nautilus.rc" and the folder "nautilus" from the folder named "LAST VERSION".
  • Open Terminal and copy-paste the following command.
gksudo nautilus /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/apps
  • Insert your password when prompted.
  • Paste the previously copied files ("nautilus.rc" and the folder "nautilus") into the Nautilus window you just opened(into the /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/apps directory ie).
  • Reapply the theme(select a different theme and then select Ambiance once again).
Equinox Evolution Themes

Equinox Evolution Dusk Ubuntu Natty PPA
  • This is by far, my favorite collection of themes for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal.
  • Latest Equinox theme pack update brought in 3 more themes namely Evolution Dawn, Evolution Dusk and Evolution Midnight taking the total number of Equinox themes to 5.
  • To install them in Ubuntu 11.04, do the following in Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-equinox equinox-theme
Orta Theme

Orta Theme Ubuntu Natty
  • Orta Theme by SkiesOfAzel is again one of my favorites.
  • To install it, copy-paste the following commands into Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nikount/orta-desktop
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install orta-theme
  • Done. More details here.
Atolm Theme

Atolm Theme Ubuntu Natty
  • Atolm theme is also created by SkiesOfAzel, meant for dark theme fans.
  • Though Atolm GTK theme looks pretty good with Awoken icon themes, I prefer Awoken Dark icon theme for it, think its slightly better. 
  • Atolm theme is available in the same PPA as above, so if you have installed Orta theme from above, you need only the third command from below.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nikount/orta-desktop
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install atolm-theme
  • Done. More on Atolm theme here.
Divergence IV - "A New Hope" Theme

  • Divergence IV - "A New Hope" Theme created by jurialmunkey. The next 3 themes we are featuring will also be of the same author.
Attack of the Clones Theme

Attack of the Clones Ubuntu Natty Theme
There goes our list of favorite themes for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal. A total of 10 themes have been listed above(including the 5 Equinox Evolution themes) and hope you found out your favorite. Two other things you need to know about Ubuntu 11.04's new Unity interface is the configuration options available through Quicklists and Application Indicators. Hope it helps. UPDATE: Nautilus Elementary Ambiance Theme + Orange Themed Clarity Icons looks pretty nice in Unity. What do you think?

Dangerous Wi Fi

detail berita
JAKARTA - Hingga saat ini akses internet Wi-Fi digunakan oleh lebih dari 700 juta orang, dengan lebih dari 4 juta tempat hotspots di seluruh dunia. Sedangkan WiFi router setiap tahunnya diproduksi sebanyak 800 juta unit.

Berdasarkan temuan global research project yang dilansir oleh Online Security Brand Tracker, yang disampaikan oleh InSites Consulting (April-May 2011), dan analisa dari United Consultants, hampir separuh pengguna internet di dunia melakukan koneksi internet paling sering dengan menggunakan perangkat portabel, notebook menjadi perangkat yang paling populer (41%), kemudian diikuti netbooks (3%), smartphones (2%) dan komputer tablet (1%).

Sebuah catatan penting dari pesatnya peningkatan baik teknologi maupun penggunanya yaitu terdapat korelasi searah dengan tingkat keamanan.

Terkait dengan beberapa advice keamanan WiFi, ESET Smart Security 5 yang bakal menjadi versi terbaru Antivirus ESET menyediakan fitur-fitur yang akan bermanfaat untuk mengamankan koneksi dan data para user saat melakukan koneksi WiFi.

salah satunya adalah peringatan yang diberikan pada user untuk waspada kapanpun user terkoneksi dengan WiFi ditempat umum, untuk kemudian memberikan proteksi. Produk antivirus yang sekaligus menjadi produk generasi terbaru ESET mengkategorikan koneksi WiFi pada level keamanan maksimum.

“Apa yang tidak diketahui pengguna WiFi adalah resiko keamanan dari data terutama yang terkait dengan lalu lintas data yang terjadi saat memulai akses. Login credentials dan lalu lintas yang terjadi di dalam network akan ter-endus bahkan sebelum sebuah e-mail terkirim melalui koneksi Wi-Fi hotspot, begitulah umumnya modus pencurian data didalam jaringan, tanpa terdeteksi,” jelas Camp, seperti dilansir melalui keterangan resminya, Sabtu (6/8/2011).

Satu hal yang sangat diwaspadai adalah ketika ada jaringan hotspot dengan nama yang tidak dikenal atau nama yang mirip dengan jaringan resmi.

“Masalah bisa terjadi dari teknologi proxy, yang mampu mengintercept komunikasi WiFi, menangkap, mengcopy dan menyimpan copy data di komputer pelaku yang berada di local jaringan untuk kemudian mengirimkannya melalui jaringan Wi-Fi yang sebenarnya. Gejala terjadinya scam bisa dirasakan dari melambatnya lalu lintas email data anda . Tetapi karena jaringan ramai oleh lalu lintas semua pengguna dalam jaringan, maka akan suliit untuk mengetahui bahwa lalu lintas data kita diibajak oleh pelaku scam”, tandasnya.

Apple launches iCloud and iWork betas,

MobileMe's impending demise just got one step closer, folks. Apple's updated iCloud.com to now sport an official login page with what we're assuming is Cupertino's rendition of a CNC-machined aluminum unibody badge. It looks like those of you rocking iOS 5 or OS X 10.7.2 and who've also created an iCloud account are probably already busy frolicking through email, editing contacts and slinging calendar events all from the comfort of your browser. Those services already existed under its predecessor, but it looks as if Cupertino has spruced 'em up with fresh paint jobs. A screenshot from MacRumors also shows the addition of an iWork section, which we'd surmise means the previously siloed iWork beta now has a new place to call home. We couldn't get past the migration step with our trusty MobileMe account (disappointing proof is after the break), but you're more than welcome to tap the more coverage link and have a go yourself.

Oh, and if you're wondering how much it'll cost you to claim more than those 5GB that Apple's tossing in gratis, the folks over at Electronista have confirmed that an extra 10GB will cost $20 per year, while an extra 20GB runs $40 / year and an extra 50GB will demand $100 per annum.

World Wide Web (WWW) Rayakan Hari Jadi Ke-20 Tahun

LONDON - Ada yang istimewa bagi pengguna internet di seluruh dunia pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2011 lalu. Pasalnya tepat hari itu, World Wide Web (WWW) merayakan hari jadinya yang ke 20 tahun.

Ya, WWW yang selalu digunakan oleh para netter sebelum memasukkan alamat situs di internet. WWW 'lahir' pada tanggal 6 Agustus 1991, yang ditemukan oleh Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Pria asal Inggris tersebut meluncurkan laman web page untuk pertama kalinya 20 tahun silam.

Jauh sebelum diperkenalkan untuk konsumen umum, WWW ini dimulai sebagai halaman sederhana yang menampilkan link memungkinkan sebuah kelompok ilmuwan untuk berbagi data dalam batas-batas laboratorium mereka. Namun oleh Tim Berners-Lee memperkenalkannya untuk umum, dan sejak saat itu telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan miliaran orang.

Dikutip melalui Daily Mail, Senin (8/8/2011), fisikawan kelahiran London yang juga ilmuwan komputer sedang bekerja di Organisasi Eropa untuk Riset Nuklir (CERN) di Jenewa ketika ia berusaha menemukan cara lebih baik untuk rekan-rekannya untuk menghubungkan data.

Dia pertama kali mengusulkan WWW pada tahun 1989 dan memposting data dari proyek di newsgroup alt.hypertext, proyeknya itu waktu itu dikenal dengan nama, "Proyek WWW bertujuan untuk memungkinkan semua link harus dibuat untuk setiap informasi di mana saja"

Sedangkan situs web pertama yang diperkenalkan adalah- http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html - yang berjalan di nxoc01.cern.ch.

Tidak hanya ingin sebatas digunakan untuk pengguna di kalangan ilmuwan saja, Tim Berner-Lee pun menyebarkannya ke seluruh dunia untuk kalangan umum.  "Kami sangat tertarik dalam menyebarkan web untuk daerah lain dan memiliki server gateway untuk data lain," katanya.

Dan berkolaborasi mereka lakukan pada tahun 1992, ada 50 web server di seluruh dunia. Dan dalam perjalannya selama 20 tahun terdapat 19.68 miliar lebih halaman yang diciptakan atau lebih dari tiga kali populasi dunia.

Ubuntu Software

Ubuntu Software Center is seeing its second round of upgrades, this time changes are even more dramatic. Good to see Canonical putting so much thrust on Software Center which has the potential to become Ubuntu's major money spinner in the near future.

New Ubuntu Software Center
Brand New Ubuntu Software Center Preview
Ubuntu Software Center upgrades are happening right now, but we are probably not going to to see the revamped Software Center in action until at least Ubuntu 12.04 LTS release happens. But if you are using Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot Alpha release, you can preview some of the changes now itself(simply run the command software-center-gtk3 from Terminal). Here is a quick sneak peak of new Ubuntu Software Center.

New Ubuntu Software Center

Slider has become kind of a norm lately, from Android Market to almost all popular blogs out there now has one. Taking a cue from popular web applications like Android Market, Amazon App Store for Android, Apple's App Store and such, new Ubuntu Software Center has a wide featured-content slider on top. And it look strikingly similar to the one you see on top of omgubuntu.co.uk, among the biggest proponents of Ubuntu in the blogosphere. Bottom line is, the slider looks great. Still no real content is included in the slider and everything looks very unfinished at the moment. It will take time.

new Ubuntu Software Center Overhaul

The other highlights of the new software center are the 'Top Rated' and 'New' application tabs right on front page. There is also a very neat categorization of applications on the left side that make the searching and finding of apps very easy and intuitive. The feature list otherwise remains pretty much the same at the moment, albeit better looking.

Good things apart, the new Software Center is far from a finished job. Rough edges are in plenty and the whole look and feel needs a lot of polish before the final release. But one should appreciate Canonical's resolve and commitment to keep on improving Ubuntu. The last major Software Center overhaul was not very long ago and now they are completely revamping it all over again. When Shuttleworth talked about his goal of acquiring 200 million Ubuntu users in 4 years, no doubt he was serious. Some really exciting times ahead. Stay tuned.

Example Title KTI / Nursing Thesis 3

Student Knowledge About D-III Nursing Care of LBW in the Incubator In Space Perinatologi RS Rawat XXX
Identification of Work Stress and Coping Strategies in Room Nurse Emergency Installation Hospital XXX
Effect of Play Therapy Cooperative Action Against Child Undergoing Treatment at Hospital XXX
Implementation of Pulmonary TB Control Program at Puskesmas XXX
Effect of Low Sugar Chewing Gum Increased secretion of saliva in Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis Treatment in hospitals XXX
Effectiveness of Using Lavender Aromatherapy Heating Furnaces Pain In Lower Intensity Kala I Maternity
Inpatient Satisfaction Of Nursing Services at the Hospital XXX
Care of Elderly with Dementia by Families in XXX
Health Officer in the Implementation Support Program at the elementary UKS XXX
The Role of Civil Society in Improving Children's Nutritional Status in XXX
Barriers to Implementation of TB Pulmonary Disease Eradication Program at Puskesmas XXX
Satisfaction Teens Against Parents Role In XXX
Behavior in the primiparous mother Newborn Care in XXX
Effect of Play Therapy Cooperative Action Against Child Undergoing Treatment at Hospital XXX
Effect of Therapeutic Activity Against Group Socialization of Social Isolation Patient Communication Capabilities in Room XXX
Perceptions of Parents Against Nurses in the ability of Effective Communication in Children Doing Time Preschool in Room XXX
Satisfaction Parents Against atraumatic Care During Hospitalization Hospital Experiencing XXX
Self Concept 10-14 Year-Olds Suffering from Asthma in XXX
Effect of Performance Fee Of Nurses In Providing Nursing Care in Hospital XXX
Factors Affecting Self-Care Hospital Mother Pascasalin XXX
Factors That Cause Stress In Nursing School Students Who Completed Thesis
Knowledge About Family Care Family Members Suffer Asthma in XXX
Nursing Academy Student Motivation XXX For Continuing Nursing Education to the Bachelor Level
Parents and Parenting Teens in Eating Habits Levels Alcohol in XXX
Counseling Effectiveness Against BSE Increased Knowledge About BSE in high school Teens XXX
Lifestyle Chronic Renal Failure Patients Before undergoing therapy Haemodialisa On XXX
Knowledge and Attitudes in Families Caring for Patients at the Polyclinic Hospital Depression XXX
Families Against Elderly Care in XXX
Preview Old Days Treat Wounds In The occurrence of pressure sores in immobilized patients in hospitals XXX
Mother Behavior in the Management of Oral Rehydration in Diarrhea Toddler Being at Home in XXX
Hypertension in Nursing Home by Family and Tribe Tribe XXX XXX on XXX
Effectiveness of Health Education Against Self-Concept Changes in Women with Reproductive System Cancer
Imaging Nurses Expected by Community Health Centers in the period will come at Puskesmas XXX
Mother Perceptions About Family Function in XXX
UKS Program Implementation and Clean Living Healthy Habits Class VI Students XXX
Patient Satisfaction Jamkesmas Against Nursing Services in the Hospital XXX
Experience Family Care Giver For Schizophrenia Treatment In Patients On XXX
Level Knowledge Society for the Prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in XXX
Knowledge of Pain Management Nurses In Post-Surgical Patients in Hospital Seksio Caesaria XXX
Characteristics of Women Menopause in Women Smokers in XXX
Family Nursing Care With Diabetes Mellitus in XXX
Nurses in action Tract Infection Prevention Kemit In Patients Who Posted Catheter On XXX
Relationship Type Learning with Student Learning Achievement
Parent Role Relations in the Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) with Recurrence of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in Toddlers in XXX
Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on restricted fluid intake Haemodialysis Patients in the Hospital XXX
Influence Leadership Style Room Head Nurse Morale Against Executing on XXX
Effectiveness of Foot Massage with Lavender Essential Oil to Decrease Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension in XXX
Analysis of Influence Factors - Social and Cultural Factors on the Utilization of integrated health services elderly in XXX
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Implementation of Early ambulation Patients Post-Surgery Lower Extremity Fractures in XXX
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) Relaxation and distraction in Cancer Patients with Chronic Pain in Hospital XXX
Student Perceptions About Instruments Learning Course Test Results In Phase Extension Program Graduate Nursing Education In PSIK XXX
Knowledge About Family Growth And Development In Toddlers XXX
Public Perception of Domestic Violence During Pregnancy on XXX
Nutritional Status of Toddlers in IHC XXX
Knowledge Relationships with Nurse Assertive Behavior in Fostering Interpersonal Relationships in Room XXX
Mother Behavior in Supplementary Feeding in Infants Less than Six Months Age in XXX
Relationship Knowledge and Osteoporosis Prevention Guide Elderly in XXX
Family Communication Patterns with Single Mothers in XXX
Effect of Information on Job Prospects of Students Studying Motivation Nursing Science Program XXX
Use of Aloe Vera (Aloe vera) Against Decrease Blood Sugar Levels in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type II in XXX
Ice Cold Compress influence a bottle of Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Intensity
Relationships Self Confidence (Self Efficacy) with Pain Behavior in Patients with Chronic Pain in the Hospital XXX
Nurse Caring Behavior in providing Nursing Care in Mental Disorders in XXX
Level of knowledge about the Patients Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus Complications in the Hospital XXX
The effectiveness of respiratory Buteyko Technique Against Decrease Asthma Symptoms in Patients with Asthma in the City XXX
Legs Gymnastics Effect of Increased Blood Circulation to the foot of Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Hospital XXX
Relationship Knowledge and Attitudes about the stimulation Mother of the Progress in Motor Development of Children Ages 3-5 Years Rough in XXX
Effect of Acupressure Technique to Decrease Pain in Childbirth Kala I Mother primiparous
Effect of Effective Leadership Communication Skills Against The head room in the Hospital XXX
Satisfaction Levels In Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis Nursing Service at the Hospital Haemodialysis Unit XXX
Effect of Implementation of the Head of Supervision of Non-Executive Performance in Hospital Nurses XXX
Family Response Against Nurses Role In Child Hospitalization Hospital XXX
Behavioral Differences of Chronic Pain Cancer Patients Accompanied with Non-Living Pet Hospital Accompanied XXX
Parent Perceptions About Ability Nurses In School Age Child Care After Surgery In Space XXX
Behavioral Family Against Sex Education For Teens In XXX
Self-concept Teens Who Experienced Childhood Fractures in XXX
Knowledge Level Relations And Public Attitudes Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases In XXX
Level Knowledge About Menopause Mother In The Physical And Psychological Symptoms In XXX
Utilization of Multimedia Technology In Learning Academy of Nursing XXX
Mother Behavior Has Childhood Elementary Kecacingan In Preventing Disease In Children On XXX
Factors Affecting Students In Genesis Scabies On XXX
Mother's perception Interest Mandailing About Newborn Care On XXX
The prevalence of blindness Color On Students / High School in XXX Schoolgirl
Factors Inhibiting Exclusive Breastfeeding Mother In On XXX
Discharge Planning Nurses Role in Schizophrenia Patients in Hospital XXX
The relationship between the level of knowledge about the Care Pregnancy with Husband Husband Participation in the Pregnancy Care at XXX
Relationships with Family Support Quality of Life of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis Treatment in Hospital XXX
ICU Delirium in hospitalized patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Hospital XXX
Knowledge about Behavior Relationships Family Violence with the Family Readiness in Caring for Patients in Mental Hospital XXX
Utilization of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) to Decrease Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension in XXX
Support Families with Recurrence Relations Schizophrenia Patients in Mental Hospital Polyclinic XXX
Mother Sleep Patterns During Pregnancy in Pregnant Women at Polyclinic Hospital XXX
Rate Measles Immunization Awareness About Mother In Infants in XXX
Family Health Implementation Task Java on tribe in XXX
To decrease the effectiveness of music therapy Pain Post Surgery at Children's Hospital School Age XXX
Effectiveness of Early Initiation of Suckling Against Increased milk production in XXX
Motivation relationship with the duration of Wait Time Work at Graduate School of Nursing XXX
Family Health Implementation Task Interest XXX
The independence level of Mother Post Caesarean section in Caring for Yourself and baby during the Early Postpartum Hospital XXX
Family Health Implementation Task Interest In XXX on XXX
Performance Officer Users IHC IHC Mother And Satisfaction On XXX
Relationship Support and Willingness Husband Mother Exclusive Breastfeeding in XXX
Diarrhea Treatment Utilization With Guava Leaf On XXX
Husband's perception on the Use of Contraception in Male in XXX
Patient Satisfaction immobilization in Personal Hygiene Implementation Fulfillment by Nurses in General Hospital XXX
Analysis of Patient Satisfaction In Nursing Services in Room Prima Hospital Inpatient care XXX
Quality of Life in Elderly with Chronic Disease Hospital General XXX

Example Title KTI / Nursing Thesis 1 & 2
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