Saturday, August 23, 2008

automatic gas

TOKYO - Many ways used by car manufacturers to make products consume minimal fuel. Like the Nissan Motor to introduce the automatic accelerator pedal.

As reported the French news agency AFP on Thursday (7/8/2008), the accelerator pedal is called "eco pedal" This will push back into position if it detects the driver how to drive inefficient.

Nisan parties say, this is the latest innovation developed to educate consumers and cultivate driving fuel-efficient. Pedals will automatically push the driver's foot when the system detects too much pressure exerted on the accelerator driver. In this way, the driver was not informed berkendaranya efficient way.

Eco Pedal is also equipped with instrument panel indicator that shows real time fuel consumption levels. It also provides information on how to optimize the efficient driving. The indication can be seen from the color of the light. Parties Nissan said, after tests, this technology can improve fuel efficiency up to 10 percent. The driver can also disable this tool.

Today many car manufacturers have introduced eco drive technology detects whether the driver's way of bringing the car's efficiency. But for this pedal eco technology, Nissan is the leading producer. Nissan plans to apply this technology starting next year.

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